Here is how it works.

100% Money Back GuaranteeOur supreme confidence in the top-rated Memory Supplements we offer on topjointsupplements.com and our high volume of sales of the highest rated Memory Supplements allows us to offer the industry's best products with a 100% Lifetime, Money-Back Guarantee.

If for any reason you are not satisfied with one of our products backed by our guarantee, simply return the product (an empty bottle is perfectly acceptable because we want you to experience every benefit before you decide whether the product works) to receive 100% of your money back, minus shipping and handling. For multiple bottle orders, return a single empty bottle along with all other bottles in unopened resalable condition for your full refund. All products must be returned after using them for a full 30 days at minimum. Please send us an email requesting your refund and we will promptly return your payment after receiving your return.

Our high volume of sales has helped us develop business relationships with the most popular Memory Supplements manufacturers and allows us this unique opportunity to offer a 100% Lifetime Money Back Guarantee. However, not all of our Memory Supplements come guaranteed. A few vendors declined to allow us to offer this guarantee. Please look for the 100% Lifetime Guarantee on each of the product pages to determine if an individual product comes with our Industry-Leading Guarantee.